Thursday, 9 August 2012

Experience #38
Theme: Water: Surfing the wave in Tofino

Our nephew, Augustin, arrived just in time to join us on our long week-end in Tofino. The weather was spectacular! We did some whale watching on our first day, but-been there-done that so it can't be marked as a "new experience" for us. We were booked with Endless Ride, out of Ucluelet, for both the surfing and the SUP. Jay was great. He got us geared up and into the surf safely. He showed us how to read the beach and surf. Lesson # 1: stay away from the yahoo's (AKA the idiots who don't know what they're doing) and the rip tides. Augustin is in track and field and young (18) so he did very well. Simon and I were a bit more slow getting up onto the board, but we all had a blast! The waves were great and for most of the morning we had lots of space to practise.

Experience #39
Theme: Water: SUP-stand-up paddle board
Early start to the day. We met Kat at the boat launch at 7am. The skies were clear, but the water was a bit choppy. The SUP board is broader and thicker than a surf board. Balance is only a bit easier on this board. I could feel all my stabilising muscles working hard to keep me balanced. We set off along the inlet and across to a fish hatchery. Coming back the winds picked up and we had to work hard to paddle our way to the boat launch. The next day we all commented on how stiff we were-it's a great core work-out!

Experience #40
Theme: Air: zip-line
This was an easy one. On the way back from Tofino, we stopped at the Wild at Play park in Nanaimo and did their zip-line course. The guides set you up and you zip across the Nanaimo river canyon. It was great fun but a bit short.

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