Theme: Food and Wine
Experience #31: Wine tour
Yippee! Simon's new employer invited us to their annual retreat in Ossoyous. The boys got to play golf and the ladies enjoyed a morning at the spa...ah... But the best part was the afternoon of wine tours! I've never done one! I LOVE WINE!!!!!!You may sense that it wasn't hard to convince me to participate in this experience.
I learnt a bunch of stuff on wine making.
Did you know:
- Vines reach their maturity at about 3-5 years. The vine roots can dig deep (50 feet or more) into the poor arid soil to reach water.
- The winemakers may cull up to 50% of the grapes on the vines to encourage optimal sweetness in the remaining grapes.
- Most wineries hand pick the grapes and place them in a tank with an air-filled sac that squeezes the juice out gently. The grape juice is then fermented in vats of aluminium and then oak (young or old oak depending on the type of wine/grapes) until it reaches maturity. It is then bottled.
- An acre of grapes produces about 5 tones of grapes and makes 4,336 bottles of wine. One bottle of wine contains 2.3lbs of grapes.
- Tip the glass and look at the LEGS of the golden/ruby liquid.
- Smell the NOSE. Your nose can distinguish thousands of flavors. Gently swirl the wine in the glass.
- Taste. The tip of the tongue senses sweetness. The back, bitterness, and the sides detect acidity. Swirl the wine in your mouth blending it with some air bubbles.
- Feel the wine on your tongue. Is it rich, full, lean, bubbly? Tannins feel dry.
- Spit. The more you spit, the more you can sample without the risk of making a fool of yourself.
- Cleanse with a couple of crackers, or water to make space for the next tasting.
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