Experience #35
Water theme: white water rafting
Simon and I booked this adventure a while back. We invited friends to come along. Too many wanted to join us-so sorry for those that didn't make the final cut. No reason, other than: first come first serve.

Mandy got us a great deal at Painters Lodge in Campbell River. The rooms overlooked the water and the docks. We arrived on Friday night as Saturday would start early. Our dinner in the pub was entertaining with the gang getting acquainted and our waitress being a bit (a lot) ditsy...
Morning arrived quickly. We met at 7:30 at the Destiny Adventures shop for wetsuit fitting, and a long bus ride up to Wass and the Nimpkish river. Jaime, our guide, decided that the water level was not right for the upper Nimpkish, so we joined the two other groups on the lower river. It would mean lower rated rapids but the chance to use kayaks.
The bus was an old school bus, the ride bumpy and dusty. We all changed into our wetsuits while on the road. At the landing site we all helped set up and got the "talk". I admit it made me nervous. eg. "if you fall out and get sucked under the raft, push up against the raft bottom and you will get pushed out to one side...." Yikes! No backing out now. We were given some quick paddling instructions and off we went. It would be 21 km on the lower river with class 3 rapids.
The first little rapids gave us the feel for our zodiac. It was very flexible, one could feel every wave and rock under its ribbed bottom. There were slots for our feet to keep us braced when we hit rougher waters. Simon went into the kayak first. He took the first white water with style, but the second set of rapids spit him out. Our boat went to aid him and accidentally squished him against a large boulder. We all heard the air being pushed out of him. SORRY! Good sport that he is, he didn't complain and got back into his kayak for more fun.
With a bit of encouragement from Jaime, we grew more comfortable with the rapids. Sonya and I went to the front to "block" the others from the big waves. We got totally drenched! What fun! After lunch on a beach, we set off again and played in some of the back flow. We paddled up into a "dip" in the rapid and the front of our boat got sucked into the water, filling with the cold clear river. Shawn and Tim got their turn getting wet.

Jaime allowed me to steer the boat down a small set of rapids. I was hopeless, always steering the wrong way. It showed me that our guide was quite an expert in manoeuvring our craft exactly where he wanted it.
Ian and Sonya took their turns in the kayaks. They both managed the rapids well and did not fall out. We arrived at the cliffs where we stopped to allow any fools who wished to jump to-well-jump. So being afraid of heights and a bit crazy, I was first up the cliffs. It was quite high. All I could feel was my heart pounding. I focused on the edge of the cliff and not the fall. One big step and I was met by the cold clear water. Whoeee! Experience #36-theme air/water- cliff jumping.
The day finished at Nimpkish lake, where our bus met us at an old dry-land sort. I think we all slept in that uncomfortable bus, tired from the days excitements. A great meal and a hot tub (with desert wine) finished us off, and we soon were all in dream land. Thanks to Mandy, Tim, Shawn, Chantelle, Sonya, Ian, and Simon for joining me on this wonderful week-end.